Family Dress Form Base Setup Guide

Unpack the metal base from the packaging of your Family Dress Form, and you will see 4 wheels, 1 pedal, and 1 base as shown in the picture.

Turn the base upside down and install the 4 wheels provided to each base holes, slightly push the wheel and make sure the wheel installed tight.

Unwrap the metal pole, the top part should look like as below.

The Bottom part of the metal pole look like as below.

Install the foot pedal to the base as shown below

Insert the bottom part of the metal pole to the Base hole as shown below, make should the pole rest on the foot pedal, then tighten the 2 screws to hold the metal pole in position

Now, the entire base setup is done and should look like as below

The top side of the metal pole should look like below, now take the body of the Family Dress Form out of the box

While stepping on the pedal on the metal base, hold the 2 triangle like metal pieces on the top of the pole together and fit the pole and pieces into the dress form body

You have to hold the 2 pieces together and stepping on the pedal at the same time to allow the pieces to fit together into the pole

Insert the dress form all the way into the pole. You can now adjust the height of the dress form by holding the pedal down and moving the dress form to the desired height. Release the pedal to allow the dress form to staying place. The Dress Form should look like below

You are now READY to use your Family Dress Form

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